Wednesday, December 07, 2005

French Government: Information Society Bill (DADVSI) (n°1206)

English readers - EUCD.INFO : sauvons le droit d'auteur !: "Creating your own compilations from a CD, extracting your favourite piece of music to listen to it on your computer, transfering it on a MP3 player, lending a CD to a friend, reading a DVD with free software or duplicating it to be able to enjoy it at home and in your country house : many common practices, perfectly legal, which the French government plans to forbid in fact. The copyright and neighbouring rights in the information society bill (DADVSI) (n°1206) which the French government will try to force through in the coming weeks by using an emergency procedure, actually legitimates the technical devices installed by CD and DVD editors and producers to control their use. And above all, the bill plans criminal penalty against people who would dare to remove those."

They just don't get it, do they? Absolutely, inexcusably disgraceful. And they're trying to force it through on December 22/23 - while everyone's distracted with Peace On Earth and Good Will To All Men.


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